There are many very good comments here! I have some things of my own
laundry list to add. In a quick re-read before posting the list rings
more of complaint than helpful feedback. Please understand that's not
the tone I mean to impart. I really like Leo, but I do have a hard
time getting completely comfortable with it. ;-)

> 1.  The goal is to increase the number of Leo's users.

As others have said, one click install would be very very nice. I'd
like to extend that thinking to include "one click use". I'm not being
literal, I talking about the feeling of a one click install carried
over to smoothly and easily using Leo. For example:

Why do I have to edit a file, or multiple files, and read a whole
bunch of stuff which only vaguely makes sense because a lot of it is
new, to explore plugins? It would be so much easier if there were a
menu/page/something which presented the list of available plugins with
enable/disable checkboxes, a short description of what they do and
clickable link for more information.

how many steps (clicks, types, etc.) does it take to build a
myLeoSettings.leo on a new machine? What if personal preferences were
automatically built from an dialog like the plugins manager floated
above? (e.g. if user enables a plugin, the setting for that is copied
from LeoSettings.leo to myLeoSettings.leo and saved. or something).

Make "edit node in external editor" work out of the box seamlessly so
people who are just testing the water don't feel like they're being
asked to give up what they're familiar with.

The search and replace experience is broken. My #1 use of external
editor is in order to do simple s+r like a global rename "fooBar" to
"foobar" in one step.

Rich text (html) renderding enabled by default so that when looking at
things like "About plugin" the [html] [text] buttons actually do
something and the first thing one sees is not <pre> and &gt; &lt; etc.

People like toolbars. Make it easy to add frequently used commands to
a toolbar, maybe by dragging and dropping from the menus? (or nodes?)

Helper text, defaults. For a while I thought the [Nav] pane was broken
because the initial view is a completely blank area and I didn't
realize it was search function. A simple phrase would help "type and
press enter to locate occurences of...". The confusion was minor and
short lived, but it needn't have occurred at all. This is a good
example of how a one-click install feeling could be carried over.

Make the leo website a first class citizen:
 - acquire (or variant)
 - fix the broken search
 - apply server side redirects so old links can find the new home page
(for example the Flattr link is broken), or use a custom 404 that
suggests alternatives
I like #14 because it includes a search box)
 - fix the wiki or find a new one where user contributed recipes and
documentation can be worked on (make sure it's hosted on

Video's, screencasts, recipes, demos! Leo is unlike anything else.
Reading the docs, asking questions on the forum, and the like is a
great way to learn things but there is so much of what makes Leo
useful that just can't be conveyed easily in words. Setup a ShowMeDo
channel (

Stories. It's things like this that first caught my attention (the long
ones). There were one or two by Edward that were inspirational but I
can't find right now; perhaps they're buried in the mailing list. A
faster fancier glitzier way of doing X is interesting but only for a
moment or three. Far more intriguing is seeing how Leo enables things
which just weren't possible before, or changes how one works or looks
at data forever (regardless of whether Leo is actually used in X).



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