On Saturday, February 4, 2017 at 3:21:26 AM UTC-6, Edward K. Ream wrote:

Hiding <img> tags will use the same machinery as hiding parts of urls. But 
> full support for pictures will involve numerous complications.

*tl;dr:* No plan survives contact with the enemy. But the battle is not 

*Using explicit <img> elements seems dubious*
The immediate problem is that there appears to be no way to update a text 
line during colorizing.  That is, there is no methods on QDocument or 
QTextBlock that will update the present block. Blocks look like they are 
read-only. Sure, it would be possible to call body.widget.setAllText in the 
colorizer, but that seems extreme.

*Pasting images directly into QTextEdit is easy*

I found an excellent resource here 
<http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3254652/>on stack overflow.  The 
following code works:

from leo.core.leoQt import QtGui
body = c.frame.body
table = (
d = g.app.permanentScriptDict
images = d.get('images', [])
for image in table:
    path = g.os_path_finalize_join(g.app.loadDir, '..', 'Icons', image)
    assert g.os_path_exists(path), repr(path)
    image = QtGui.QImage(path)
    cursor = body.widget.textCursor()
for i, ch in enumerate(p.b):
    if ord(ch) > 128: print('new', i, ord(ch))
d ['images'] = images


1. The four image characters at the end were preserved across invocations 
of Leo, but they aren't visible on reload.

2. The script saves references to images in g.app.permanentScriptDict, so 
once images are visible they *stay* visible.

*A problem*

I kinda expected this problem. If I run *another *version of this script, 
with *different* images, then images in newly-selected nodes correspond to 
the last *created *images, not necessarily the desired images.

My mental model (possibly inaccurate) says that the QDocument for the 
widget associates image N with image character N.  A possible solution 
would be to switch QDocuments when switching nodes.  Another would be to 
use uA's to give QDocument some guidance. This would be more localized, but 
I have no idea how it would work.

*The way forward*

Inserting images directly into Leo's body text is the simplest thing that 
could possibly work from the user's point of view.  Indeed, the 
stack-overflow page has a discussion of using canInsertFromMimeData and 
insertFromMimeData functions. These are prerequisites for cutting/pasting 

Inserting images directly into Leo's body text requires no changes at all 
to the colorizer. That's a good thing, because having the colorizer change 
text seems fraught with danger.

The big question is whether Leo can help QDocument show the correct image 
when switching node.  If the answer is yes, then Leo will use uA's to make 
images persistent when Leo reloads a .leo file.  I am going to do 
everything I can to make this strategy successful. It's worth any amount of 


P. S. The colorizer will still hide UNLs and URLs as previously discussed.


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