
It's amusing that you're talking about improving the vr-pane when I've just 
run into
the problem of not being able to play movies in Leo. I've covered that in 
another post.

Anyway, what you've said sounds good to me, except for "DAG" which I'm 
stands for (d)irected (a)cyclic (g)raph - there are 38 definitions for that 
acronym in the
Free Dictionary. Okay, I had to look it up since you mentioned it on this 
line of your

   * - "Leo's DOM (outline DAG) and API (programming interface)."*

Definition: A *DAG* is a *data structure* from computer science which can 
be used to
model a wide variety of problems. The *DAG* consists of the following 
elements: Nodes.
Each node represents some object or piece of *data*.

A little more 'generic' than I expected, but interesting.

*    - It should be possible to do better than jupyter/ipython in several 
ways.  Forexample, instead of ipython's numbered in/out cells, we could use 
descriptive strings:*
Descriptive strings for rendering would be excellent, so far as I know, 
although I
then wonder how rendering multiple nodes concurrently would work.

*2. Leo's valuespace plugin already provides live, ipython-like objects.*

I have been ignoring the valuespace plugin, but not now - I didn't know it 
had that

*    - Better visualization of attributes, the "hidden" part of Leo nodes.*

I fully agree that this goal is desirable, although I would have to guess 
something like that would work in practice.

Thanks for your thoughts - I like to know where things are headed.


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