On Monday, March 2, 2020 at 9:07:09 AM UTC-5, Thomas Passin wrote:
> We've got that by means of the Leo outline structure.  The proximity and 
> nesting of the Leo nodes fills exactly the same function.

Somehow I don't see it as quite the same thing.  The outline structure is 
hierarchical while the numbered thread structure, while it does represent 
ordered sequence, does not necessarily imply hierarchy (although it can). 
But the other aspect that I see as different (and a necessary difference) 
is that outline headings are categories or topics, while thought sequences 
are another sort of thing.  A thought may be an observation, a viewpoint, 
an opinion, a deduction, a question. I might think of it as more of a 
process than a topic, although it will always have a topic. We will have 
entire sequences of thoughts on one topic, and topic-wise, we do indeed 
need the outline structure, which I consider a top-down function. 

But the sequences of thoughts, and their branches and connections do not, 
to me, closely resemble a hierarchically arranged set of topics. They can 
indeed be, and should be, classed within such a structure, but it appears 
to me that allowing them only a topic-based structure might break the 
dynamic of the sequenced thread of thought.  This forum thread is an 
example of a sequenced thread of thought that would be difficult, I think, 
to represent as a hierarchical outline of headings. Sub-topics topics could 
indeed be identified, and we could build an outline structure of those 
sub-topics (in fact it would likely be helpful to do so), yet that 
structure would not, I think, reflect or adequately (though it could to a 
degree) illuminate the sequential thought processes that develops through 
this thread.  A thought thread or 'train of thought' is a sequential, 
ordered process, not just an organization of topics.  Just my viewpoint for 
what it's worth.

> I've actually been making new organizing nodes contain the IDs, because I 
> know from experience with my bookmarks manager that it can be useful to 
> jump to headings instead of only to specific items.

So an organizing node is itself a zettel, I gather. Hmm, so a note zettel 
could have a backlink to one or more organizing zettels.  And organizing 
zettels form yet another interlaced system and add a powerful search 
capability. I haven't even begun to think about organizing nodes.  I am 
very interested in your concepts and approaches. 

I completely agree on the utility, the necessity of headings, indexes, 
various top-down organizational structures/functions, even while seeing, I 
believe, shortcomings with them as well.  And by the way, if possible, I am 
very interested in your bookmarks manager.  Need a zk for bookmarks/URLs, a 
sort of adjunct to the notes/thoughts zk.

And Thomas, I can hardly express how very much I appreciate your work on 
this.  I expect I come across sometimes as unappreciative.  I'd like to 
correct that impression if I can.  I think that you are exactly the right 
person to do this.  Wish I could help in more substantive ways, not just 
throwing silly ideas out there.

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