A zettel thought experiment.

I ran through an imaginary scenario for using a ZK, once it's populated.  I 
based this on how I use my bookmark manager.  Note that my bookmark 
collection does not actually have some of these headings and bookmarks.

*I have a piece of cod to cook for dinner ( really do).  I look for "cod".  
I find some recipes.  Might there be more?  I check related headings, and 
find that "Cooking" has some more recipes.  I find a few there.  What 
else?  How about "Fish"?  I find a number of headings related to "Fish".  
Wait- what's that?  "Fish-ancestral".. Hmm, let's see what that is, I don't 
remember it.  Look at this - "Ancient DNA from Fossil Fishes".  Oh, 
interesting, can you actually get DNA from fish fossils?*

*Wonder what those old fish tasted like?  Supposedly you can figure out 
hair color for humans from dna, I wonder if you can get the flavor too.  
Hmm, if I were around back then, would fish taste the same to me anyway?  
Maybe our sense of taste evolves over time.  Hmm, can that be studied?  And 
what would it even mean, since we can never really know what a given kind 
of sensation seems like to another person?*

So in about five minutes we have wandered from a dinner recipe to paleo 
history to philosophical questions about the meaning and stability of 
sensory perceptions.  We've actually come up with several possible research 
projects and a topic for a philosophical essay.  All in about five minutes.

All this, and there's virtually nothing in my ZK yet!  I'm just visualizing 
how I might use it.  This serendipidy, that's one of the main things I'm 
interested in -  that, and helping me and my fallible memory find things 

Of course, I still have to cook the fish!

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