A few anomalies.  Nothing major, but these should be looked at.

I am testing a in-development new version of xmcd, linked with lesstif 0.92.5.
When xmcd starts, lesstif outputs the following error messages:

Warning: Unknown modifier name:   M

Warning: Unknown modifier name:   C

Warning: Unknown modifier name:   A

Warning: Unknown modifier name:   R

Warning: Unknown modifier name:   U

Warning: Modifier or '<' expected 

Warning: Unknown modifier name:   E

Warning: Unknown modifier name:   G

Warning: Unknown modifier name:   o

Warning: Unknown modifier name:   H

Warning: Unknown modifier name:   L

Warning: Unknown modifier name:   y

Warning: Unknown modifier name:   W

Warning: Unknown modifier name:   Y

Warning: Unknown modifier name:   C

Warning: Unknown modifier name:   D

These are the result of xmcd setting the XtNaccelerator resource
of various pushbutton widgets which are children of a popup menu
(created using XmCreatePopupMenu), as well as the pushbutton widget
children of some pulldown menus (created with XmCreatePulldownMenu)
which are themselves submenus that are cascaded from the popup menu
mentioned above.

Curiously, not all instances of setting the accelerator in these menus
generate a warning.  Some didn't generate a warning.  However, none of
the accelerators appear to work.

The menus appear to work correctly when operated via the mouse, just
not via accelerators.

Moreover, if I use the mouse or keyboard traversal to cause the popup menu
to appear, something appears to grab the keyboard in lesstif.  At this
point even pressing ESC, which should pop down the menu, doesn't.  Neither
does any other keyboard input have any effect (such as trying to use
shift-ESC or ctrl-ESC to make the mwm window manager do stuff).

In fact, pushbutton accelerators seem to be non-functional in general
when the label type is a pixmap rather than a string.  I thought this
used to work to some degree in a previous lesstif version some months ago.
All of xmcd's main window pushbuttons have pixmap labels and have
accelerators, and even though they do not cause lesstif to produce a
warning like the above, they don't work.  The xmcd keypad subwindow
also has accelerators on pushbuttons with string labels, and those work.
Mouse works, of course, and keyboard traversal works too.

All this stuff work correctly when linked with OSF/Motif 1.2,
and there are no startup warning messages of this sort.  I have not
yet tried OpenMotif 2.1, but will soon.

Another minor difference I observed with lesstif, is with the form dialog
widget.  With OSF/Motif's libXm, the form dialog will appear in a location
that is centered over its parent widget the first time it's managed/mapped.
With lesstif's libXm, the form dialog always appears at the upper left
corner of the screen under the same circumstance.  I am running OSF/Motif's
mwm window manager in all cases, if that matters.

If you need more info or code snippets from xmcd, let me know.  Unfortunately
I am not in a position yet to send the new xmcd sources in full to anyone,
because it is not ready for any sort of release yet.

-Ti (author of xmcd, xmmix)
    ///  Ti Kan                Vorsprung durch Technik
   ///   AMB Research Laboratories, Sunnyvale, CA. USA
 //////  http://www.ibiblio.org/tkan/

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