On Thu, 1 Feb 2001, Mark Hatch wrote:

> Use Xnest, run your favorite window manager in it, and turn off the
> window decorations for your multi window application.
> Anybody really tried this one?

This sounds like a big hack to me. A clever one, but still a hack.

I use Xnest regularly to make screenshots of applications. I has the
avantage o allowing me to take shots of pop-up menus because the
application can be fooled about the keyboard focus and mouse button
events. I have used it alse to test some window manager configurations, to
debug xdm and to develop a multidisplay tic-tac-toe game. Xnest is really
very useful for these tasks.

On the other hand, Xnest has two big disadvatages: it lacks most of the
extensions found in the X servers and there is no security (anyone can
open a connection to your Xnest and start snooping everything you type in
the keyboard, for exaple). I can imagine also some conflicts between the
multiple window managers.

BTW, I also hate MDI applications. Look at SlowOffice and face the
hacker's user interface nightmare. :-P
Carlos A. M. dos Santos

Federal University of Pelotas         Meteorological Research Center
Av. Ildefonso Simoes Lopes 2791       Pelotas, RS, Brasil, CEP 96060-290
WWW: http://www.cpmet.ufpel.tche.br   RENPAC (X.25): 153231641
Phone: +55 53 277-6767                FAX: +55 53 277-6722

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