Ken Moffat wrote:
>  Two thoughts (as someone who creates his own scripts to do this).
> First, give some thought to catching error messages (e.g. by logging
> stderr), whilst remembering that every script you create will bring
> its own new bugs.
>  Second, and more importantly, the perfect is the enemy of the
> good-enough.  Only you can decide if what you have built is good
> enough, but I get the impression you are exceedingly willing to
> throw away your current build and start again.  You perhaps need to
> ask yourself why *you* are building LFS.
>  Throwing a system away to hopefully make a better version isn't
> wrong, but it isn't necessarily productive.  Always try to learn as
> much as you can from a build (that might be a case of "do as I say,
> not as ! do" - I've recently noticed several times that I've thrown
> away the build and DESTDIR install of a BLFS package, and then asked
> myself a question about something I hadn't checked in it).
>  Whatever you do, enjoy it.
> ĸen

Fine, well-parsed advice you've offered there.

No purpose rambling on here about why "I" want to build LFS.  I'd no 
doubt be flat o' my back speaking to Sigmund before arriving at a 
sufficiently complete response.

In the matter of throwing away the build ... I'm not at all about to do 
that.  In fact I came to your present comments as a sort of 
"crack-my-knuckles" pause over doing just that ... and decided not to 
kill the build, but to snapshot it first.  As a matter of fact, I use 
"partimage" as if I were a deeply afflicted "anal-retentive" sort.  I 
must take/replace/compress/alter at least 20-25 images of my systems 
each week.  Whenever I install a system, I establish a base, which 
usually is the "fresh-liveCD" state.  Then I work up in a series of 
builds ... usually getting to about level 8 before tearing it all down 
and starting again.

I suppose my working premise is that someday I'll be able to establish a 
sort of "specific-gravity" number corresponding to a given build (minus 
of course those esoteric /proc and /sys things happening out there in 
slab-land).  Which, by the way, are they "purged" as one moves from one 
chroot environment to another?

Someday of course I'll be able to add only known quantities after the 
"fresh" build and thereby keep the whole thing smartly clean.... 
something like a system-wide RSA number.

All of that to the side, what about partimage ... how, in very general 
terms, does partimage differ from the more fundamental dd if= of= ? 
Partimage doesn't seem to get the MBR.

And too, you folks are way ahead of me in the matter of technicals.  For 
me, at this point, the lfs build, any build at all, is a good syllabus. 
  Just having a system up and running and the reference manual to hand 
is quite some opportunity.  Now, I can begin to understand the minimials 
of an os, can begin paring things down.  I would like it very much if I 
could decide to "unclude" the vim package, the m4 package, hit a button 
and know I'd have that build the next morning.  I'm just wanting it for 
me on my machines.  Onanistic, I know, but so what.  Sure, I could ask, 
"what is the minimal package?" and someone would answer with specifics 
or send me to DSL or MicroCore. . . or Gentoo.  But I'd rather do a 
trial and error elimination.

At the moment, building a web browser to attach to the thing is out of 
the question.  Eventually though it'd be nice to put together a nice old 
green-on-black screen with a simple news feed.  No pictures.  Just some 
utf-8.  Sorta like back in the old days.  Get up an X-window or two.

ah well ... basta!

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