On 19 October 2014 11:37, Andrei Banu <andrei.b...@redhost.ro> wrote:

>  Hi,
> /dev/mapper is created but it is virtually empty (except for a char
> device).
> I was asking what populates /dev/mapper with the LV devices.

OK, that's all you get from the kernel, the other devices are created by
you with the LVM userland tools.

> I do have a separate /boot partition (it's /dev/sda1). And I have a second
> partition /dev/sda2 of LVM type on which I have 4 LVs.

I didn't realise that you were doing a systemd build; that's not something
I can help with.  There's plenty of info about systemd and LVM on the Arch
Linux wiki pages.

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