On Sat, 16 May 2020 11:06:01 -0600 LFS Support List 
lfs-support@lists.linuxfromscratch.org said

On Sat, May 16, 2020, 11:02 Dr.-Ing. Edgar Alwers <edgaralw...@gmx.de> wrote:

> Am 16.05.20 um 17:50 schrieb Flareon Zulu:
>>  Eudev is not the last package to install,
> Sorry, read Chapter 6 of LFS-9.1, installing Basic System Software. it
> _is_ the last package !
>>  and there's a clearly defined way to get back int the environment if
>>  you have to restart.
> I know this, it is not my first building, but even the book advices NOT
> to interrupt the building process if not needed
>>  Can you actually look at the lines before the make lines? What you
>>  gave us is no help. ?
> Have you had a look to the instructions ? What would you like to have ?
> The "make" process delivers some hundreds of lines, starting with "make 
> all-recursive" and ending with "Libraries have been installed
> in:/usr/lib " and a longer comment starting with "If you ever happen to
> want to link against installed libraries in a given directory, LIBDIR,
> you must either use libtool ....."

That message is normal when libtool is used.

> "make check" delivers
> # PASS:  2 not aply
> # SKIP:  0
> # XFAIL: 0
> # FAIL:  0hwdw
> # XPASS: 0
> # ERROR: 0

Looks like you have interleaved output from multiple processes here, also in 
what you originally posted.

It would be worth using make -j 1 for installs, though I can't find any excuse 
for the extra bits in a normal install output . They may be part of the error 
messages which must have existed above what was in your original post.

I know what a normal output looks like because I did this build on 1 May, and I 
have the log. I had no problems at all with eudev.

BTW, the output in your original post was from 3.2.8 - I know you tried that as 
well as 3.2.9, but it would have been better to have the 3.2.9 output.


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