Ali-Reza Anghaie:
> On Tue, Aug 7, 2012 at 7:19 PM, Jacob Appelbaum <> wrote:
>> Ali-Reza Anghaie:
>>> I don't think it's they don't get it - once explained to even the most
>>> jaded they accept the expertise - it's that in the time period with
>>> immediate windows of opportunity present people are looking for a usable
>>> solution for ~their~ definition of usable (not "ours"). And they want it
>>> ~now~ on systems they actually have access to.
>> I regularly explain this to people. Many people have a normal
>> psychological reaction where they decide they're not important, not a
>> target, targeting is too hard and so on. Generally, they then say,
>> "well, whatever" and go on with their lives. It's a heavy burden to
>> consider the weight of the NSA's warrant-less wiretapping abilities and
>> ongoing realities.
> To be clear - you and I can afford to worry about NSA and IRGC - the people
> I'm talking about have more pressing issues right then. That week. And no
> recourse, ACLU, or EFF to goto. They want a quick and clean solution and
> sometimes that's just to say "here is where our money is, take care of my
> family in [OTHER_COUNTRY]"..

Well sure. The key thing here is that people don't actually believe that
we have solutions because well, we don't. Unless you use Tor entirely,
have no phone, and so on - we have only partial measures.

Part of what bothered me about Cryptocat was the partial measures that
need to be made are not really related to user interfaces at all. It's
almost all under the hood stuff that I take issue with and I'm glad
Nadim has been changing things.

> (Extreme example intentional.)
> And thank you - I at least understand where you're at better than Tweets
> express. -Ali

Sure and thank you!

Twitter is not the place for such discussions. It's really annoying
because it's so hard to actually have a discussion. :)

All the best,

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