On 12-10-09 4:23 AM, Bernard Tyers - ei8fdb wrote:
Sending a PGP encrypted e-mail to you mom, should be as easy as sending an un-encrypted e-mail to your mom. But the education of why you should be sending an e-mail encrypted should also be given. Granted, a valid threat-model should be explained, as a given.

Thank you. I understand that this is a *crypto* party discussion - but I really hope the end result of this manual focuses on use cases and threat modeling as well as the technology. Some ideas of security rely far more on technical contortions than real life assessment, the equivalent of entering a crowd wearing a flame retardant SWAT suit instead of just taking an alley. Secure anonymity is frequently the dead opposite of security based on trust networks such as pgp signed emails which depend on a real life identity being known and completely remove deniability or ease of frequently switching identities.

Let's not lose track of the end goal, which is security not just security tools.

All the best,

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