Is there an online catalog of all those technologies?  This is
extremely important for anyone contemplating civil disobedience
actions, or even just being very vocal about stuff that is wrong with
this country and others. I have the feeling that "usability experts"
are needed to make those techs more palatable, fool-proof, and
user-friendly to use, just like a Mac! :D (I hate saying that, but
what can I say, it's the truth! even though Apple allegedly has
140,000,000,000 in cash (foreign accounts, of course to avoid Uncle
Sam's taxation rules)
Best Regards | Cordiales Saludos | Grato,

Andrés L. Pacheco Sanfuentes
+1 (817) 271-9619

On Thu, Jun 6, 2013 at 12:43 PM, Anthony Papillion
<> wrote:
> Hash: SHA512
> On 06/06/2013 06:07 AM, Jacob Appelbaum wrote:
>> Dear Libtech,
>> We've waited a long time for this kind of FISA court document to
>> leak - we see clearly evidence that there is still dragnet
>> surveillance that is ongoing - the current order leaked is still
>> valid as of today, it will continue to be valid until the middle of
>> July.
>> This specifically includes Americans without any international or
>> even inter-city connections!
> If anyone was still on the fence about this issue, this document shows
> that we simply cannot rely on the courts, secret or otherwise, to
> protect us from an out of control government. It's up to us to protect
> ourselves and, thankfully, we have the technology to do just that.
> It's our use of software like Tor, GnuPG, OTR, and various voice
> conversation encryption technologies that will save us from this kind
> of surveillance, not a court, president, or congress.
> It's time we get militant about using technology to defend ourselves.
> The time for real, concrete, action has long since come.
> Anthony
> - --
> Anthony Papillion
> Phone:   1.918.533.9699
> SIP:
> iNum:    +883510008360912
> Comment: Using GnuPG with Thunderbird -
> 3hogBfGRdleA5bgABcbR4aO69bAfnSpodbd/WUEryjdSOdGraMgzg+1otqGS4+kr
> 60q2QwQbVNJ6ELy5sWaIImvlqq1r4F3RctpaEokGeSD2bWfl3lEA3lBHWRX3z/AJ
> +sDcWpob03o0otuu4zuooMhIoFMe5qBJR6KWP7bSKcWhXuZZSI9cM1PXoc6OZWzT
> R8tp/SAvHK6YpYj+q0Q0C9N9zBENI/txAq/PiJg7M4+Q4T1xhuwN1XGaD7gjcLfw
> 7HSz9MHuvLu6dRGXZzdXtcnzVVdnbo0mBt0yWtm4yqOJtDm1n5pynwfTZdSgZwYk
> CGZJEiyrNg/IDj6nhJbZ6HeOTNHiExmC9vp3b1ST2cdBqWDe0Gdewdbup/NiXw8G
> GOKfLNlF+WpKN9JlW1npSSrGs5IJreuwvXz1uvKGeXxaliXk9zks2y1gZiOio8e3
> iIeCLhF5M2vaz+tMqei1GaLq3PALep1m1C/fz8RcUBlNgu1z1q4KVBTk/VhyHxQK
> opbsQuVXvyj/7RN0COnOKKKN9nohry5hX4vvVTMKUHv1aVnVKU33pmGPsHYqEZLa
> kptAkJ5cLGv7c0nUgudqJGy8S3T0gPW/EijIeAzrtKBR/QBTyaB1dIbyUl5GeHrj
> nCeGmlHHxBwHw+zpUQDD
> =K8ST
> --
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