When I said "MONOLITHIC" I wasn't referring to all departments or
agencies inside government, or even less to individuals working
therein, but rather to "the effect."

If the US government starts a war, it doesn't matter if 49.99% opposed
it. It's still going on and people get killed. For those people, and
their "circles," the US government is MONOLITHIC.

If a person residing in the US, Verizon's customer, gets "detained" by
the FBI, and "subsequently harrassed and disappears," for all affected
the Government is MONOLITHIC.

A single shot, and bang: you're dead (or, worse yet, "being killed
however softly they choose")

It's like "binary code:" either ONE or ZERO. No grey zone.
Best Regards | Cordiales Saludos | Grato,

Andrés L. Pacheco Sanfuentes
+1 (817) 271-9619

On Thu, Jun 6, 2013 at 12:49 PM, Andrés Leopoldo Pacheco Sanfuentes
<alps6...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Is there an online catalog of all those technologies?  This is
> extremely important for anyone contemplating civil disobedience
> actions, or even just being very vocal about stuff that is wrong with
> this country and others. I have the feeling that "usability experts"
> are needed to make those techs more palatable, fool-proof, and
> user-friendly to use, just like a Mac! :D (I hate saying that, but
> what can I say, it's the truth! even though Apple allegedly has
> 140,000,000,000 in cash (foreign accounts, of course to avoid Uncle
> Sam's taxation rules)
> Best Regards | Cordiales Saludos | Grato,
> Andrés L. Pacheco Sanfuentes
> <a...@acm.org>
> +1 (817) 271-9619
> On Thu, Jun 6, 2013 at 12:43 PM, Anthony Papillion
> <anth...@cajuntechie.org> wrote:
>> Hash: SHA512
>> On 06/06/2013 06:07 AM, Jacob Appelbaum wrote:
>>> Dear Libtech,
>>> We've waited a long time for this kind of FISA court document to
>>> leak - we see clearly evidence that there is still dragnet
>>> surveillance that is ongoing - the current order leaked is still
>>> valid as of today, it will continue to be valid until the middle of
>>> July.
>>> This specifically includes Americans without any international or
>>> even inter-city connections!
>> If anyone was still on the fence about this issue, this document shows
>> that we simply cannot rely on the courts, secret or otherwise, to
>> protect us from an out of control government. It's up to us to protect
>> ourselves and, thankfully, we have the technology to do just that.
>> It's our use of software like Tor, GnuPG, OTR, and various voice
>> conversation encryption technologies that will save us from this kind
>> of surveillance, not a court, president, or congress.
>> It's time we get militant about using technology to defend ourselves.
>> The time for real, concrete, action has long since come.
>> Anthony
>> - --
>> Anthony Papillion
>> Phone:   1.918.533.9699
>> SIP:     sip:cajuntec...@iptel.org
>> iNum:    +883510008360912
>> XMPP:    cypherpun...@jit.si
>> www.cajuntechie.org
>> Comment: Using GnuPG with Thunderbird - http://www.enigmail.net/
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>> nCeGmlHHxBwHw+zpUQDD
>> =K8ST
>> -----END PGP SIGNATURE-----
>> --
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