On 2013-06-07, at 8:31 AM, Yishay Mor <yish...@gmail.com> wrote:

> "If all this already exists, why isn’t everybody doing it? Well, simply 
> because there is no integration at all among all those objects. "
> No. we don't need no software bundles. we don't need no sleek installers. 
> How long does it take me to set up a gmail account? facebook account? flickr 
> account? 20 seconds. how much does it cost me to set up? how much does it 
> cost me to maintain? (ok, skype is an exception, I do need to install).

Interestingly, we've been getting some emails since the NSA/PRISM story 
regarding people switching to Cryptocat.

It's a really encouraging and awesome trend to see people care about 
privacy-enabling technologies that are accessible and easy to use. To an 
extent, we've succeeded here because we've made it as easy as Facebook or Skype 
to have private conversations using free and open source software. So if 
someone is switching from Facebook or Skype to Cryptocat, it's a really 
positive thing.

The big challenge, though, so far is delineating the use cases and threat 
models. I have no problem seeing a lot of regular people flock to Cryptocat 
just for common-sense privacy concerns. But catering to that, and catering to 
activists/human rights workers in Mission Impossible situations, are two 
different stories. Concerning the latter, considering the outrageous nature of 
the PRISM story, I may have not been joking when I said "STOP PROMOTING THE 
INTERNET" to activists after all. :P


> See that's the standard you're competing with. Most users don't own server 
> space, physical or virtual, and would not in a million years be convinced to 
> buy any.
> Yishay
> ___________________________
>    http://www.yishaymor.org
> () ascii ribbon campaign - against html e-mail 
> /\    www.asciiribbon.org - against proprietary attachments
> On 7 June 2013 09:47, M. Fioretti <mfiore...@nexaima.net> wrote:
> On Fri, Jun 07, 2013 09:16:32 AM +0200, Eduardo Robles Elvira wrote:
> > Stop promoting google hangout and hotmail, yahoo, gmail, outlook.com... =)
> and start promoting their replacement via user-friendly bundling of
> Free Software that already exist and may run in a portable way on any
> cheap VPS:
> http://stop.zona-m.net/2013/01/the-alternatives-to-apple-facebook-c-already-exist-shall-we-package-them/
> --
> M. Fioretti http://mfioretti.com                   http://stop.zona-m.net
> Your own civil rights and the quality of your life heavily depend on how
> software is used *around* you
> --
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