I just promised myself to point out people who are not being excellent
to each other, and you are. This comment was absolutely unnecessary to
post to libtech, post it to Nadim if it was itching you so hard.

Could we quit being egomaniacs and actually get some work done? I was at
OHM last week and a great amount of people are getting sick of all these
ego's. Instead of bashing each other, go do some fucking work to
actually improve the situation we are ALL in right now, surely, you want
that as well right? Remember, we have life's to save.

I never post anything in particular to this list because I don't have
time to deal with handling potential flame wars and all that jazz, I
rather get stuff done and so should all of you.

Stop being fucking egomaniacs and get shit done.

Cypherpunks write code not flame wars.

On 08/07/2013 06:06 PM, Shava Nerad wrote:
> I will happily take it off list -- but I will point out that the whole
> discussion was opened with the question openly and clearly asked.  If
> people want to be coy with these things, perhaps they need to find
> different ways to approach their "diplomacy."  I honestly do believe
> that you get back what you put in, and that Nadim would feel more love
> from his environment if he didn't go after others with daggers -- that
> he sees that advice as "hate" says more about him than about me.
> And that's the end of it.
> SN
> On Wed, Aug 7, 2013 at 11:45 AM, Douwe Schmidt <do...@greenhost.nl
> <mailto:do...@greenhost.nl>> wrote:
>     +1
>     From: "Brian Conley" <bri...@smallworldnews.tv
>     <mailto:bri...@smallworldnews.tv>
>     +1
>     On Aug 7, 2013 6:25 AM, "Jurre" < drw...@gmail.com
>     <mailto:drw...@gmail.com> > wrote:
>     Take this off-list. I don't want a drama libtech community
>     anymore, i'm
>     sick of it. Be professional and excellent to each other or fuck each
>     other over off-list.
>     All the best,
>     Jurre
>     --
>     Liberationtech list is public and archives are searchable on
>     Google. Too many emails? Unsubscribe, change to digest, or change
>     password by emailing moderator at compa...@stanford.edu
>     <mailto:compa...@stanford.edu> or changing your settings at
>     https://mailman.stanford.edu/mailman/listinfo/liberationtech
> -- 
> Shava Nerad
> shav...@gmail.com <mailto:shav...@gmail.com>
> --
> Liberationtech list is public and archives are searchable on Google. Too many 
> emails? Unsubscribe, change to digest, or change password by emailing 
> moderator at compa...@stanford.edu or changing your settings at 
> https://mailman.stanford.edu/mailman/listinfo/liberationtech

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