Collin Anderson:
> More politely to my friends Nima and Nathan, I am averse to the fact that
> there is little willingness to engage in an 'if not Tor, then what else?'
> conversation. In part because in my experience without an answer to
> 'not-Tor,' people tend to end up in Hotspot Shield or ZenMate, as well as
> the considerable difficulty that I foresee in educating that one-quarter of
> one-half of 75 million people. I do wish we would have the opportunity to
> talk about VPN Gate, as A.Chukin mentioned, as well as other contingencies,
> but sadly this arose.

In fact, I'm very interested. This might be a good lead to a very
interesting discussion in rightscon. well, only if I (and other ppl on
this thread) can make it there.

Hopefully we'll have some tools to hack on by then, and see if we can
come up with a good solution for current situation.

0XC009DB191C92A77B | mrphs -

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