I don't have "membership card" with my birth-date on, I only have
driving license, health card and passport with my birthday on. I don't
remember seeing any membership cards here with birthdate on. 

Heather is raising important points. I also tried to have an alternative
FB account and I was locked out there too two days ago. I wonder if
someone is praying on me via my IP address. 

All of this is more than frustrating. Facebook should treat its users
with basic respect. I feel none of that, 

Thank you, 


On 2015-07-04 10:57 am, Heather Akers-Healy wrote: 

> Steve, I don't expect a public reply to the comments I'm writing below, but 
> perhaps internally at FB you might make some headway. 
> You write: 
> "Regardless, for future reference, under "Option 2" there is a set of 
> acceptable forms of ID that are not government issued:
> https://www.facebook.com/help/159096464162185 [1]
> For example, a "membership card" with your birthdate and a piece of mail 
> would suffice." 
> An activist using a pseudonym on Facebook and working in a country or 
> situation where it is dangerous to reveal their identity would be smart to 
> not have *any* personally identifying information tied to their account at 
> all. Facebook would do well to get rid of any name or identity requirements 
> and instead focus on how users are behaving. Reporting based solely on 
> behavior can still be abused so there should be some threshold to meet before 
> an account is suspended. Facebook is a large, profitable company. Surely they 
> can afford to beef up the staff handling account suspensions so that more 
> actual human review takes place *before* situations like these occur. 
> On Fri, Jul 3, 2015 at 7:54 PM, Steve Weis <stevew...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hello Inna. I work at Facebook and have contacted you from my work account. 
> I'm not in a position to discuss the merits of the policy.
> Regardless, for future reference, under "Option 2" there is a set of 
> acceptable forms of ID that are not government issued:
> https://www.facebook.com/help/159096464162185 [1]
> For example, a "membership card" with your birthdate and a piece of mail 
> would suffice. 
> On Thu, Jul 2, 2015 at 8:57 PM, Inna Malina <p.i...@lycos.com> wrote: 
> I am a Ukrainian Canadian activist and my country of origin is at war. I 
> created several groups on Facebook, including Russian Speaking Canada for 
> Peace, a political forum, which debunks Kremlin run propaganda, and has over 
> 1800 members. I also run fundraisers on Facebook to help orphaned children 
> evacuated from war-torn areas of Ukraine. I am on Facebook since 2007 and 
> don't pretend to be someone I am not: the birthday, contact info, photos are 
> all mine and my friends know who I am. When Russia invaded and annexed 
> Ukrainian territory Crimea, I changed my legal last name to a pseudonym, to 
> protect my family and people I work with outside social media from bullying 
> by Putin supporters, since the threats and bullying online were/are abundant. 
> Yesterday, on Canada Day, Facebook blocked my account (obviously following a 
> report from someone who tries to stop my activism) and demanded to confirm my 
> name by submitting my ID online. Instead of ID I submitted a letter saying 
> that I get regular threats and feel rather uncomfortable sending my 
> identification documents via insecure online channels. I did add that I can 
> show them to a legitimate representative or even in Skype, but they can't 
> expect a photocopy of a driving license or social insurance card to be 
> e-mailed or submitted through some suspicious form online. 
> Only last month Facebook has come under fire for biased political blocking of 
> accounts of Russian opposition and Ukrainian activists who are constantly 
> cyber-attacked by the paid army of Putin trolls. The petition, which has 
> already collected close to 15000 signatures, states: "Facebook 
> indiscriminately reacts to these reports by blocking the accounts of 
> prominent Ukrainian public figures and Russian dissenters. Lately, the bans 
> have become so frequent that we can now claim that Facebook has become an 
> efficient tool of the Kremlin." 
> https://www.change.org/p/facebook-stop-political-blocking-on-facebook [2] 
> Facebook "real name" policy has also come under scrutiny multiple times and 
> has been called discriminatory. Petition by performers, which collected over 
> 40000 signatures asserts: "Facebook tells us that "it looks like you're not 
> using your real name," before requiring us to change it. We cannot emphasize 
> enough that Facebook is a poor arbiter of what is or isn't a "real name." 
> Performers with legitimate-appearing names get locked out of their accounts 
> while people with account names like "Jane ICanBeBadAllByMyself Doe" go 
> without scrutiny." 
> https://www.change.org/p/facebook-allow-performers-to-use-their-stage-names-on-their-facebook-accounts
>  [3] People using aboriginal names were discriminated by Facebook too. 
> http://www.cbc.ca/news/trending/facebook-flags-aboriginal-names-as-not-authentic-1.2970993
>  [4] 
> Just few days back, on June 30, Zuckerberg explained: "If your friends all 
> call you by a nickname and you want to use that name on Facebook, you should 
> be able to do that," he said. In this case, he said, the policy "should be 
> able to support everyone using their own real names, including everyone in 
> the transgender community." 
> So it is not clear anymore, is Zuckerberg lying to Facebook users or is he 
> simply ignorant of what his staff does. WHEN WILL FACEBOOK START TREATING ITS 
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[1] https://www.facebook.com/help/159096464162185
[5] https://mailman.stanford.edu/mailman/listinfo/liberationtech
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