I however do not want "insights" period.

How about something much - a law that says companies can't (ab)use the
data of paid users without their explicit opt-in and can't provide any
conditionals or anything more than minor incentives for opting in.

minor incentives - eg: $10/mo ok but $100 not ok.

More laws:
* The right to be forgotten where when one establishes an account at say
a bank, doctors office, store, airline etc they can simply check a box
that says "delete my information after X amount of time"

* Only the bare minimum of data required to provide a service should be
collected - there is NO reason a transport company needs your name to
transport you or a cable company your name to give you cable as long as
you pay for your cable modem and pre-pay for services.

All three should be a worldwide treaty - WILL be a worldwide treaty when
some day the celebrity leaks become relentless and the shiny people
demand change.

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