Date: Thu, 26 Oct 2000 22:53:06 -0700 (PDT)
From: David Chien <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: adorable Libretto Information CD-ROM - status update

  Just in case anyone's already drooling from my prior post mentioning this

  I've been scanning and dumping just about every bit of information I've
collected over the past 3-4 years in print and electronically about the
Libretto into my PC, including information from hard to get Japanese magazines
and web sites that are no longer.

  At this time, I've got about 525MB of raw information in my Libretto CD
directory, and when I've finished scanning in a couple inches more of clippings
and documents, I'll hopefully have a very raw Libretto Information CD-ROM
available to offer everyone by or before the year end.  (ie. no in-depth
directories, explinations, translation, or whatever - just the raw documents on
this first version)

  Later on, I'll consider adding improved naviagtion, links, directory lists,
etc. for easier access.


  If you own a web site or have a collection of unique Libretto info that you'd
like included on this CD, let me know.

  Note that this CD is not produced for profit, is for personal use only, and
all rights remain with you.  No, you nor I will be making any money from this.
I'm just giving people a convenient way to get at this information rather than
sit and download for years and years (like I did ;), and offering you a way to
get it out to Libretto enthusiasts wanting more information on their babies.


  At this time, I'm considering a flat $10-20 charge for each CD to cover just
the reproduction, mailing, and handling charges involved in duping this CD for
those that want it (okay, maybe a few extra bucks to pay for the candy bars
I've been munching, too).  Hopefully, the time I've spend on this is worth this

  Let me know your thoughts...

  d =)

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