Date: Mon, 14 May 2001 12:14:13 -0700
From: Daniel Seiden <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re[2]: Request for Comments from All Memebers: List problems


  I am still here.... The recent slowdown was caused by a server
  problem. If this happens again someone can email me directly and I
  can fix it. The server simply needed a reboot which can happen from
  time to time. Sorry for any problems that this may have caused.

  I try to read posts as time permits but buisiness has be rather busy
  which I am told is a good thing. I have no problems keeping the list
  going here as a service to the community. I checked and as of now
  there are just under 800 members to the list.

  If anyone has any suggestions on things that are needed let me know.
  I have been thinking about putting a note in the subject line like
  (Libretto) so that it will be easy for people to pick out the posts.
  Any thoughts on this?

  Feel free to email me directly if there are some problems again...


Daniel Seiden

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