Date: Wed, 24 Apr 2002 04:37:12 +0000
From: "Matthew Hanson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: [LIB] Re: Hibernate under windows 98

>Date: Tue, 23 Apr 2002 15:50:04 EDT
>In a message dated 4/23/2002 1:37:07 PM Mountain Daylight Time,
> >  Hey Lee,
> >
> >  Do you know what effect the options in the 'Power up-mode' options >  
> >
> >  1. 'Powerup = boot'
> >  2. 'Powerup = hibernate' 'Standby = 30 minutes' [or 45, or 60]
> >  3. 'Powerup = hibernate' 'Standby = no limit'
> >
> >  Specifically, will option #3 let Windows power management let me >  set 
>the amount of idle time until it puts the system into standy, >  and then 
>keep the system ready to come back on relatively >  instantly when the 
>power button is pressed?
> >
> >  The way things are on my system now, BIOS is set to 'Powerup = >  
>boot', and when Windows power management puts the system into >  Standby, 
>the system sits in Standby for 10-20 minutes, and then >  hibernates.  At 
>that point it takes a bit longer to wake up and >  write data back to RAM.

>Hey, give me a break, I was ecstatic to just get the thing to hibernate
>reliably in W98se!  I am away from my Lib (workin' for a livin') and cannot 
>reference the BIOS setup, but...are you talking about a L100/110 or a 
>  I believe the boot options for hibernate/standby are different in the 2 
>series (I have a L100), but could be wrong. I can check later if you'd 

Well, I've been lucky, never having had problems with the hibernate/standby 
settings on my L50 or L70 on multiple reloads of Windows OSs that other 
have.  But from the nightmares other's have reported, I've always been leary 
about taking any deviations from my proven methods in installing and setting 
up the Windows and Toshiba power saving drivers.

So since I've not been getting feedback... I went ahead and set BIOS to 
'Powerup = hibernate' & 'Standby = no limit' as an experiement.  Shutting 
down the system from Start > Shutdown > Standby put the system in a 
limitless state of standby without actually shutting down power entirely and 
losing data in RAM.

The system woke up fast this way hours later, but I noticed a couple things. 
  The setting in BIOS didn't stick.  It's back to 'Powerup = boot', but 
selecting 'Standby' from the Shutdown Windows window still puts the system 
into an endless state of standby.  A case of Windows overriding BIOS I 

I hope I haven't screwed up things now, and won't find the problems others 
have reported.  I was hoping to hear from someone who'd experimented with 
all this.

I've set Windows power management back to 'Always On' for AC and battery.  
With 'Powerup = boot' reset in BIOS, I'm hoping things will go back the way 
they were.


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