Date: Sat, 18 May 2002 01:15:28 -0500
From: "John Musielewicz" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: [LIB] Rebuilding the 1200mAh PA2452A for 70CT

> Engineers divide the universe into two classes. Things broken, and things
> not broken yet. Good luck with this - enquiring minds want to know!

There's probably one other thing you guys should know. The Batteries Plus
tech that welded them for me said I shouldn't have been able to get them
since a person is supposed to have a permit to buy li-ion cells. When I
bought them I put down a company name so whoever processed the order may not
have felt checking was needed. So if this works out you may need to do that
to be able to purchase  them. These were advertised as li-ion and they are
stamped with the lg-chem name so I'm pretty sure they are rechargeable. I
checked the lg-chem web site and they do make round li-ion cells in 2000
mAh. They don't seem to make non rechargeable lithium. But if they are non
rechargeable lithium metal cells they WILL explode if you try to charge
them. So if anyone decides to jump the gun and stick some in and expect them
to work be very cautious and be at least 50 feet away and keep the battery
in a nonflammable area which won't be damaged by a explosion and chemical
spray. It'll be awhile before I test them for charging since I decided I
need a external charger to test them and there are none availible on ebay.


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