Date: Tue, 21 May 2002 04:45:18 -0500
From: "John Musielewicz" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: [LIB] Rebuilding the 1200mAh PA2452A for 70CT

> > > tech that welded them for me said I shouldn't have been able to get
> > > since a person is supposed to have a permit to buy li-ion cells. When
> > > bought them I put down a company name so whoever processed the order
may not
> >
> >   Huh?
> >
> >   so much for buying them from those Hobby RC racing stores....!
> RC racing stores won't sell Li-Ion cells anyway, as they aren't used (as
> far as I know) in RC stuff...  I was wondering if they were going to use
> them in RC cars and so on, but they are just too delicate and too

They are being developed for EV use though. I've seen entire packs developed
from single A sized cells.


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