Date: Wed, 16 Mar 2005 17:42:19 -0300
From: Eduardo Duca <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: [LIB] About Libretto and USB

The enhanced port replicator (a big one) has a USB 1.1 port in right side.. And I using it right now to conect to my DSL modem ;) []s Duca

At 14:56 16/03/05, you wrote:
Date: Wed, 16 Mar 2005 19:55:40 +0200
From: John Niemi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: About Libretto and USB

Silly question maybe but I'd like to know; I heard that one of the port
replicators for Libretto has a USB port, is that true?

And if it is, wouldn't it be possible to make a home-made port replicator with
just USB connection that would be smaller than the full Toshiba port

I just want a USB connection on my Libretto AND keep things still small, the
easiest way would be to buy a PCMCIA card but I want to know all the
alternatives before I do that. Only problem with the PCMCIA is that it sticks
out from the slot -> ugly ;)


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