Date: Wed, 16 Nov 2005 11:53:13 +1100
From: Raymond <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: [LIB] Libretto HD Upgrade - Hibernation Area - Questions

Sounds like a plan but I think you may have a couple of issues.

I think Win98 is one of those operating systems that needs the drive overlay to work properly on the Libretto otherwise it can't see above the 8G mark (or can't see it properly or something - it was a while ago but I remember headaches in that area).

The second issue you may have is AFAIK Win98's implementation of FAT32 doesn't work for partitions over 32GB due to its limit on cluster size so you'll need to split your 91GB'odd chunk of space into at least 3 partitions (unless you want to install, say, Win2k which in my experience responds somewhat faster than 98 anyway on the L100, perhaps due to better memory management).

Good luck!

- Raymond

At 02:22 PM 15/11/2005 -0800, you wrote:
Date: Tue, 15 Nov 2005 23:22:05 +0100
From: Philip Nienhuis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: [LIB] Libretto HD Upgrade - Hibernation Area - Questions and

Date: Tue, 15 Nov 2005 14:34:09 -0600 (CST)
Subject: Libretto HD Upgrade - Hibernation Area - Questions and Outline
Hello Everyone...
I have a few questions/ideas relative to hibernation on the Libretto 110CT.
I understand that BIOS Hibernation on the Libretto is unable to see a drive larger than 8.4 gig. I also understand that BIOS Hibernation can not be completely disabled on the Libretto. My understanding is that Libretto BIOS Hibernation can be executed completely independently of the OS. Thermally or via detection of low battery are the two ways individuals from this website have stated. Procedure: Duplication of Windows 98 from a single partition 20gig drive to a 100gig Toshiba Drive. With two issues. Issue 1. Leaving the BIOS Hibernation space around the 8.4gig area of the drive, between partitions one and two.
Issue 2.  Preservation of my current full Windows Installation.
No overlay necessary or used.
Basically I want to do a hard drive upgrade with partition split AND "space" to accommodate the hibernation area around the 8.4Gig area of the drive.
These are my questions...
Question 1. How does the Libretto decide "where" to put the hibernation area. example: Go to end of HDD (or as much as it can see 8.4) and write the contents backwards or just back up and start to write towards the end?
(direction likely doesn't make difference)


Just a hunch: it writes towards the end. The difference *does* make a difference: Speed. Writing (& reading) backwards is terribly inefficient.

Hibernation proceeds as follows:
1. Hibernation routine requests disk size from BIOS HD size routine
2. BIOS HD size routine cheats a bit, and gives an answer which leaves sufficient space for hibernation to anyone who's asking. The size of the cheat depends on another BIOS routine, i.e. the one which returns RAM size 3. Hibernation routine knows about the cheat and begins writing the RAM image starting at the next sector beyond the reported HD size.

Now, not only does the BIOS HD size routine cheat, it also contains the 8 GB bug. Yes confusing, but these are two different things (see below for more).


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