Date: Thu, 17 Nov 2005 10:43:05 +1100
From: Raymond <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: [LIB] Libretto HD Upgrade - Hibernation Area - Questions

At 10:44 AM 16/11/2005 -0800, you wrote:
Date: Wed, 16 Nov 2005 19:43:18 +0100
From: Philip Nienhuis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: [LIB] Libretto HD Upgrade - Hibernation Area - Questions

Raymond wrote:
Date: Wed, 16 Nov 2005 11:53:13 +1100
From: Raymond <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: [LIB] Libretto HD Upgrade - Hibernation Area - Questions

Hi Raymond:

Sounds like a plan but I think you may have a couple of issues.
I think Win98 is one of those operating systems that needs the drive overlay to work properly on the Libretto otherwise it can't see above the 8G mark (or can't see it properly or something - it was a while ago but I remember headaches in that area).

I'm afraid I have to disagree here.
Even plain DOS can see all of my 60 GB HD inside my Lib110, w/o drive overlay - as long as the extended partition type is 0x0f rather than 0x05 and the partition scheme (MBR) has been cooked in a modern desktop. Using DOS / Win98 FDISK in a desktop, the 0x0f type is default so no worries there.
(0x0f apparently signals DOS to invoke int13 extensions.)

I think that may have been the issue then - I stick to partitioning on the target machine. I'm almost certain if you FDISK the drive in the Libretto and run Win98, it won't see beyond 8G.

Having said THAT, I do recall sticking to that policy BECAUSE I initially tried partitioning on another machine then finding I had issues when I moved back to the Libretto. I can't remember specifics though (I haven't touched Win98 in years!) but I recall it had something to do with mismatches in partition sizes being reported by various disk tools.

Does this work if you make the first primary partition in the Libretto, put the drive in another machine then write the extended partition then put it back into the Libretto and write the logical partitions?

The second issue you may have is AFAIK Win98's implementation of FAT32 doesn't work for partitions over 32GB due to its limit on cluster size so you'll need to split your 91GB'odd chunk of space into at least 3 partitions (unless you want to install, say, Win2k which in my experience responds somewhat faster than 98 anyway on the L100, perhaps due to better memory management).

I'm afraid you mix up things here too.
Perhaps you're right for Win95. But Win98 is quite happy with huge FAT32 partitions. It is Win2000 & XP that refuse to format partitions > 32 GB with FAT32, they insist on NTFS. For no good reason, as they happily read FAT32 on >32 GB partitions.

That's almost certainly a mixup on my part then ... as you say, I know Win2k and XP won't do a >32GB FAT32 partition (except it doesn't actually tell you until it gets partway through the formatting process).

Thanks for the correction!

- Raymond


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