Date: Tue, 15 Nov 2005 21:47:37 -0600 (CST)
Subject: Re: [LIB] Libretto HD Upgrade - Hibernation Area - Questions

Hello Raymond and thank you for the warning.

I have been using this Toshiba 100GB drive for about three weeks in a couple 
of configurations.  One configuration I used for a while was as a full single 
partition.  It was nicely strange to see 80GB free on C.  None of the programs 
I use had any data issues that surfaced during this time.  I filled the drive 
to 1 gig free and had no visible problems.  The only tool I use after drive 
swaps and modifications is a DOS run of Scandisk and Windows Scandisk with 
full surface scans.

Can you (Raymond or anyone of course) tell me what symptoms I might watch for 
or any ways I might test for issues in this area?  I don't recall seeing 
anything I felt was an issue in the archives, but I did not retain all of it.

Thank you,
John Martin

> Date: Wed, 16 Nov 2005 11:53:13 +1100
> From: Raymond <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: Re: [LIB] Libretto HD Upgrade - Hibernation Area - Questions
>   and
> Sounds like a plan but I think you may have a couple of issues.
> I think Win98 is one of those operating systems that needs the drive 
> overlay to work properly on the Libretto otherwise it can't see above the 
> 8G mark (or can't see it properly or something - it was a while ago but I 
> remember headaches in that area).
> The second issue you may have is AFAIK Win98's implementation of FAT32 
> doesn't work for partitions over 32GB due to its limit on cluster size so 
> you'll need to split your 91GB'odd chunk of space into at least 3 
> partitions (unless you want to install, say, Win2k which in my experience 
> responds somewhat faster than 98 anyway on the L100, perhaps due to better 
> memory management).
> Good luck!
> - Raymond
> At 02:22 PM 15/11/2005 -0800, you wrote:
> >Date: Tue, 15 Nov 2005 23:22:05 +0100
> >From: Philip Nienhuis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> >Subject: Re: [LIB] Libretto HD Upgrade - Hibernation Area - Questions and
> >Outline
> >
> >>Date: Tue, 15 Nov 2005 14:34:09 -0600 (CST)
> >>Subject: Libretto HD Upgrade - Hibernation Area - Questions and Outline
> >>Hello Everyone...
> >>I have a few questions/ideas relative to hibernation on the Libretto 110CT.
> >>I understand that BIOS Hibernation on the Libretto is unable to see a 
> >>drive larger than 8.4 gig.  I also understand that BIOS Hibernation can 
> >>not be completely disabled on the Libretto.  My understanding is that 
> >>Libretto BIOS Hibernation can be executed completely independently of the 
> >>OS.  Thermally or via detection of low battery are the two ways 
> >>individuals from this website have stated.
> >>Procedure:  Duplication of Windows 98 from a single partition 20gig drive 
> >>to a 100gig Toshiba Drive. With two issues.
> >>Issue 1.  Leaving the BIOS Hibernation space around the 8.4gig area of 
> >>the drive, between partitions one and two.
> >>Issue 2.  Preservation of my current full Windows Installation.
> >>No overlay necessary or used.
> >>Basically I want to do a hard drive upgrade with partition split AND 
> >>"space" to accommodate the hibernation area around the 8.4Gig area of the 
> >>drive.
> >>These are my questions...
> >>Question 1.  How does the Libretto decide "where" to put the hibernation 
> >>area.
> >>example:  Go to end of HDD (or as much as it can see 8.4) and write the 
> >>contents backwards or just back up and start to write towards the end?
> >>(direction likely doesn't make difference)
> >
> >John:
> >
> >Just a hunch: it writes towards the end. The difference *does* make a 
> >difference: Speed. Writing (& reading) backwards is terribly inefficient.
> >
> >Hibernation proceeds as follows:
> >1. Hibernation routine requests disk size from BIOS HD size routine
> >2. BIOS HD size routine cheats a bit, and gives an answer which leaves 
> >sufficient space for hibernation to anyone who's asking. The size of the 
> >cheat depends on another BIOS routine, i.e. the one which returns RAM size
> >3. Hibernation routine knows about the cheat and begins writing the RAM 
> >image starting at the next sector beyond the reported HD size.
> >
> >Now, not only does the BIOS HD size routine cheat, it also contains the 8 
> >GB bug. Yes confusing, but these are two different things (see below for 
> ><snip>
> ---
> /~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\
> |                 | "Does fuzzy logic tickle?"                |
> |   ___           | "My HDD has no reverse. How do I backup?" |
> |  /__/           +-------------------------------------------|
> | /  \ a y b o t  |          [EMAIL PROTECTED]             |
> |                 |  Need help? Visit #Windows98 on DALNet!   |
> | ICQ: 31756092   |                   |
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