Date: Tue, 31 Jan 2006 20:39:58 EST
Subject: Re: [LIB] battery check

In a message dated 1/31/2006 11:31:39 AM Mountain Standard Time, 

> Date: Tue, 31 Jan 2006 12:24:50 -0800
> From: John Martin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: RE: [LIB] battery check
> Someone needs to tell you what to do...
> First, you (john-photoengineering) didn't answer Carval's question.  They 
> asked what the contacts were.  You may answer the question they asked, but 
> you didn't do that.  If you don't know, (as is obvious you often do not in 
> other threads) there is nothing wrong with not knowing.  It is ok, we are 
> all here to learn or share what we have learned.
> Second, Carval CAN tell you to not reply posts.  There is nothing to stop 
> you from doing so, but, in fact, Carval can tell you anything they wish. 
> (e.g. "boy-oh you don't tell me what to do.")
> I have read this entire archive since the beginning and I have never seen a 
> person as smartass and reactive as you here on this Libretto site.  Maybe 
> they got removed, or maybe they grew up a bit and learned to be helpful 
> without talking down to those with less knowledge.  Your "off on a tangent" 
> type responses (not answers) often do not even directly relate to the 
> questions asked, as in this case.  e.g. "you do NOT just connect li-ion 
> cells to an ohmmeter to test the resistance."  Carval SAID "which ones do I 
> used to test for voltage."  The device is called an ohm-meter.  You didn't 
> read or comprehend the question.  You just jumped on Carval like a child.
> Third, Carval is correct... you (john-photoengineering) scolded, you didn't 
> just offer information.  "if you have to ask that you don't know enough to 
> test them".  That is name calling, if you need it clarified.  Again, you 
> may answer the question, if you know the answer, and then suggest it might 
> be dangerous due to the nature of LI batteries, but all this other crap you 
> seem to think is a reply you need to keep to yourself.  It is unlikely you 
> will read this post anyway.  I have already blocked your emails anyway, so 
> I don't care what your response might be.
> Fourth, the irony of your response to carval... you call them a "dummy" and 
> "ignorant".  Then you determine their capabilities with "something you 
> shouldn't touch " and "you don't have the skills".  How would you know? 
> There is not enough information in Carval's post for you to determine what 
> they are capable of.  You assume more than anyone I have ever seen here on 
> this libretto site.
> Fifth, All this attacking and name calling nature of yours is unacceptable 
> most anywhere in the world.  In person you would be "corrected" through 
> assault should you be abusive as you are here on this system.  This is just 
> one disadvantage to systems like this, allowing people like yourself being 
> able to hide behind keyboards and monitors.
> (almost done)
> Nearly everyone here has always been so helpful, non-judgmental, and in 
> general thorough, I really cringe every time I see one of your reactive 
> childish posts.  Maybe you think you are trying to be funny, but in person, 
> you would be stopped... and it would probably hurt.  I believe a post like 
> the forwarded letter you sent to the satellite service provider deserves 
> your removal from this system... but lucky for you (sad for the rest of us) 
> I don't control it.
> You may be intelligent and knowledgeable and it may serve you well, but 
> this site seems to be a place for people who are knowledgeable, people who 
> wish to increase their knowledge, and those with intelligence that wish it 
> to serve others well also.  Note that these things are all without being 
> abusive or talking down to others.  If you look around, there are some VERY 
> knowledgeable people here, who have never once been rude to least 
> knowledgeable people here.  This could be a model for you... maybe you 
> (john-photoengineering) could learn more than just about librettos here... 
> maybe you could learn a bit about kindness and or sharing without all the 
> abusive, smart-ass remarks.
> Maybe you can tell from this post that I am trying to be helpful to you 
> (john-photoengineering) without being abusive.  I hope I don't get removed 
> from the system for being off topic though.  ; )
> Kind regards,
> John Martin

Thank you, John Martin.  I couldn't have said it better myself - or with 
greater restraint.  But I've sure wanted to, and with much less restraint.


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