On Mon, 22 Aug 2005, Ralf Wildenhues wrote:

I'm not sure libtoolize should be changed.  While Bob and I agreed that
it was a good idea to have libtoolize update timestamps, this bears a

On my machine, several of the above files are installed the same second.
So, on the client machine where libtoolize is executed, they will have
the same time.  If libtoolize were to update time stamps, then it would
need to know the order (and could _not_ infer it from timestamps).  But
_then_ it would not matter at all which time the installed files had
anyway.  Not at all.

Timestamp resolution is system/filesystem dependent. Some filesystems (e.g. FAT) only store 1 second resolution. Others are limited to the resolution of the system's hardware clock (e.g. 10ms). I don't recall what the timestamp resolution is for NFS (probably depends on NFS version).

While libtool may need to know about ordering if the baseline filesystem only supports 1 second, I don't think that libtool is required/expected to play tricks in order to try to ensure increasing timestamp ordering for installed files.

If the filesystem is insufficient for the speed of the machine, then it will not work properly with make.

Bob Friesenhahn
[EMAIL PROTECTED], http://www.simplesystems.org/users/bfriesen/
GraphicsMagick Maintainer,    http://www.GraphicsMagick.org/

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