On Wed, Oct 22, 2008 at 4:30 PM, efleming969 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Wow, thanks for the feedback.
> I should have been more clear as to what I meant by "High Risk".  I'm
> not concerned so much with Lift's technical merit, but rather the risk
> of personnel.  If I get hit by the "proverbial bus" then my client/
> employer will have a difficult time completing/maintaining the project
> due to skill set alone.

I think it's naïve to think that you can swap-in and swap-out "programmers"
like they were generic building blocks.
I've been building enterprise systems using Java for 7 years now, and my
experience is that the only time
you can exchange one programmer for another is if someone writes the spec
and the programmer "just puts the letters into the file".
And trust me, no programmer worth paying for would work under those terms.

So, to sum up what I mean: 1 star developer with tools of his/her choice >
100 Java Joes with Struts 1 and EJB2
Also, the star developer doesn't cost 100 times more or takes 100 times
longer to finish the task.

Also, the quality of the code (maintainability and defect ratio) is better
with the star developer.

So, to sum up. No it's not as easy to find a "generic" developer, but using
outdated technology with sub-par developers is not a good path to take. :)

This is, of course, my very personal opinion, and may be considered as the
ravings of a madman...


> I agree with the points about infrastructure and Scala/Lift's cross-
> platform capabilities. I would not use it otherwise.  I also agree
> that Lift rocks and is a viable alternative to traditional Java
> approaches.
> That being said.  I do have my client's best interest in mind and I
> think using Scala and Lift is somewhat selfish on my part.  I guess
> I'll have to be on the lookout for buses :-)
> On Oct 22, 7:10 am, Tim Perrett <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Interesting thread.
> >
> > Having done both emplyed work and freelance consultancy I agree
> > totally with Marius in sense that selling in the idea of XYZ
> > technology to enterprise is one of the most difficult things we face,
> > as there are some very deep set processes in the enterprise
> > environment (Microsoft, SAP et al) and a lot of reluctancy to touch
> > OSS in general.
> >
> > Companies usually tackle this in one of two ways:
> >
> > 1) Outsource the entire project to a 3rd party (dev, hosting etc) so
> > then they just need it to work and fulfil the spec and not worry about
> > organizational issues that may hinder the implementation of XYZ
> > technology in there business. A classic of this is Ruby... it runs
> > like crap on windows, and like it or not, M$ have a massive market
> > share of infrastructure and deployment hardware in the enterprise
> > environment so outsourcing the implementation and deployment makes
> > sense and the organization still get quicker ROI of the shorter dev
> > time.
> >
> > 2) A drawn out internal wrangle / argument that is costly in both time
> > and finances
> >
> > One of the nice things about Lift is that it runs on standard java web
> > infrastructure so there is no extra stuff needed for deployment. It
> > runs on the JVM so its easily cross-platform - i have lift apps
> > running on OSX for Dev, windows and linux for deployment.
> >
> > Lift really does rock - the bottom line right now is that its not yet
> > at 1.0, but rails had a pretty-widespread take-up between 0.9 and 1.2;
> > I see the same pattern happening here. A great feature set, pragmatic
> > design, and some awesome modules right out of the box. There will
> > always be people who want to use what they know (otherwise we'd have
> > killed off perl years ago), but there are an equal number of people
> > (and therefore companies) who want to explore the edgy new technology.
> > IMO, its about having balance in your toolset.
> >
> > Cheers
> >
> > Tim
> >

Viktor Klang
Senior Systems Analyst

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