On Tue, Oct 21, 2008 at 5:50 PM, efleming969 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Most questions in the group are technical and I apologize if this is
> not appropriate, but I I'm curious about how members are justifying
> their use of Scala+Lift vs. a traditional Java architecture.  I
> understand if you are creating applications for your own business or
> personal use, but what about employee or consulting work (if any).
> I'm currently a one man consultant and would like to do more work with
> Scala and Lift but it seems high risk for my client to have an
> application built with newer and practically unknown technologies like
> these.
> Any thoughts?

I force all my clients to use Lift and Scala. :-)

My experience with bringing other people onto Lift and Scala projects is
pretty positive.  Anyone who is polyglot (speaks Java + Ruby, C# + Java,
Ruby + JavaScript, etc.) seems to be just fine with Scala.  The folks who
only speak Java seem not to do so well with Scala.

Lift requires throwing away some assumptions... but so does Rails,
TurboGears, etc.  But, once you get into the Lift paradigm, you should be
very productive.

So... what are the risks to your client?

   - You get hit by a bus?  Arrange with Tyler or me or Viktor or someone
   else on the list to be your backup.  I'm the backup for a number of Scala
   projects.  I get one call saying "If so and so disappears, can you take over
   the project?" and that's that.  In 18 months of saying "I'll be the backup"
   I've never been called on.
   - You have to bring other people onto the project?  It's not different
   than any other project with a new framework.  There's little risk in choose
   Ruby or Grails... there's a similar low risk with choosing Lift.

Folks in the SAP community chose Lift for the ESME project.  If they're
doing Lift and Scala, why should your client worry?  The folks at Twitter
love Scala and say so publicly.  If the hipster Web 2.0 folks are using
Scala, you gotta figure there'll be a bunch of Scala lovers popping up in
Web 2.0 land.

My biased thoughts.



> >

Lift, the simply functional web framework http://liftweb.net
Collaborative Task Management http://much4.us
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