As I understood you want to make an Ajax request and serve back a
Document Fragment. If so please also take a look at Jx stuff. We
discuss Jx classes in a fairly amount of details in the lift book.


On May 20, 9:32 am, fatu <> wrote:
> Timothy,
> thanks for the links, I found them useful and I find your blog in
> general very interesting. Came across and it looks
> quite promising as well.
> I knew "bind" already from the "Exploring Lift" book which I pull from
> git, build with Lyx and keep at hand regularly. In the doctype post,
> though, I couldn't find a way to specify "no doctype"  which I think
> is necessary to serve a fragment; plus I couldn't find any other easy
> "out-of-the-box" way to do it. Shouldn't this use case (serving
> fragments), which I think is quite common, be better / more easily
> supported by the framework? Can someone post an example of how to do
> it with raw response handling in the meanwhile?
> Thanks anybody.
> Fabio
> On 26 Apr, 21:49, Timothy Perrett <> wrote:
> > George,
> > To tell lift what doctype you want to use see my blog post 
> > here:
> > Also, you'll want to read another one of my posts in which I discuss
> > the bind(...) method and how you can stop putting markup into your
> > snippets:
> > Cheers, Tim
> > On Apr 26, 1:02 pm, george <> wrote:
> > > hello all,
> > > hopefully someone can help me out here.
> > > i am trying to port some simple ajax stuff over to lift from a rails
> > > app. basically it just loads anhtmlfragmentand puts it into the dom
> > > using prototype.
> > > i have set up a template which contains thefragmentat src/main/
> > > webapp/fragment.html
> > > <ul><li>item</li></ul>
> > > then i made the page available using the SiteMap and all seems good,
> > > but here comes the problem
> > > the lift response adds the xml declaration and doctype, one of which
> > > seems to cause prototype some problems
> > > <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
> > > <!DOCTYPEhtmlPUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" 
> > > "";>
> > > <ul><li>item</li></ul>
> > > so the question is, how can i make lift send back the rawhtmlwithout
> > > meddling with it?
> > > i have tried out using ResourceServer to serve it statically which
> > > works, but this wouldn't allow me to generate thefragment
> > > dynamically.
> > > i would also prefer to have a separatehtmltemplate file rather than
> > > embedding the markup code in a snippet.
> > > any thoughts gratefully received..
> > > george
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