
I stumbled on Lift a couple weeks ago and have been messing around
with it a lot!  I am a Ruby on Rails programmer and it seems like Ruby
is doing a fine job serving the web programmers community.  Recently,
I read an article about Twitter running RoR and it crashing after a
while.  They decided to switch to Scala because it's scalable unlike
Ruby.  I am planning on developing a large website that will require
lots of CPU/Database usage and I was wondering if Scala/Lift is the
way to do it?

I'm not a fan of Google Groups, they are not very user friendly, so I
created a forum specially for Lift developers that like to discuss
topics about the Scala/Lift programming language.  If you want to help
start the forum and post a couple topics I would greatly appreciate
it.  The link is http://www.liftforum.com .  It's a new forum so there
isn't much content on it yet.


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