On Sat, Aug 29, 2009 at 3:59 PM, Artem <art...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hey!
> I stumbled on Lift a couple weeks ago and have been messing around
> with it a lot!  I am a Ruby on Rails programmer and it seems like Ruby
> is doing a fine job serving the web programmers community.  Recently,
> I read an article about Twitter running RoR and it crashing after a
> while.  They decided to switch to Scala because it's scalable unlike
> Ruby.  I am planning on developing a large website that will require
> lots of CPU/Database usage and I was wondering if Scala/Lift is the
> way to do it?
> I'm not a fan of Google Groups, they are not very user friendly, so I
> created a forum specially for Lift developers that like to discuss
> topics about the Scala/Lift programming language.  If you want to help
> start the forum and post a couple topics I would greatly appreciate
> it.  The link is http://www.liftforum.com .  It's a new forum so there
> isn't much content on it yet.

I am totally cool with different forums for discussion Lift and Scala.
 That's all cool.

I will continue to treat this forum as my primary place to help folks and I
will encourage the Lift committers to support newbies on this forum and to
have Lift related discussions (what features, how we add them, etc.) on this

Personally, I have not had a lot of issues with repeat questions.  The more
times people ask the same questions, the more it points out that either (1)
we didn't do a particular feature correctly or (2) we need to add something
to the Lift wiki or other documentation.

I am personally not a fan of forum software... I find that mailing lists
(via gmail) with a web-basic history to be ideal and thus Google groups was
my choice.  I'm open to other options for the primary Lift support forum.
 We've moved source repositories and wikis a few times.  Moving this forum
elsewhere is not off the table.

In terms of the use of the term "Lift", I want to let you know that there
will probably be some trademark assertions on the word "Lift" related to
computer programs (I'm not sure the exact trademark category.)  So, in the
near future, I may ask you not to use the work "Lift" as a primary
designator for the forum.

I don't see a split as a bad thing.  The Lift community numbers > 1,300
people and is the largest Scala-related community.  We may not be optimal
for providing support to all users of Lift and I welcome other ways to help
people build great web sites with Lift.  By all means, find ways to help
people do better thing with Lift.



> Thanks.
> >

Lift, the simply functional web framework http://liftweb.net
Beginning Scala http://www.apress.com/book/view/1430219890
Follow me: http://twitter.com/dpp
Git some: http://github.com/dpp

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