I'm seriously considering Lift for a new project. I know what the
benefits of Scala and Lift are (that's why I'm seriously considering
this as a route forwards :-) What I'm wondering is whether there are
any lurking nasties that I should be aware of (so that I can avoid
learning about them the hard way).

Some background: Until recently I was CTO of Texperts, a UK startup.
We moved to using Ruby on Rails shortly after version 1.0 was released
(i.e. when it was at just about the same level of maturity as Lift is
now). Our experience was mostly very good - the major issues we had
were deployment problems arising from the fact that Ruby's threads
aren't really threads.

I'm now looking at a new project, a significant chunk of which will be
a webservice likely to be installed within a mobile network operator's
infrastructure. That fact is a powerful argument for writing it in
Java (MNOs all know how to run big Java app servers) but the very
thought of being stuck writing Java for the foreseeable future makes
me break out in hives :-)

So I'm considering Scala and Lift. In particular, I'm considering the
tradeoffs of Lift versus something like Spring+Scala.

I'm not too worried about problems that might bite us while we're
developing the service. I hope that we're smart enough, and the Lift
community is helpful enough, that we should be able to work our way
through those kinds of problem (although a heads-up would still be

What I *am* worried about are problems that might bite us when we come
to install the service at an MNO. Having said "don't worry - it'll run
on your app server just fine", is there anything that might prove
problematic if we choose Lift? Is there anything we can do ahead of
time to head this kind of problem off at the pass? How should we test
to minimise the chance of problems? Would choosing Spring+Scala
decrease any of these risks?

Very many thanks in advance for any help or advice you can offer,



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