Hi Christian,

Let me know if I have summarized the paper accurately below:

1.  SIGHASH_NOINPUT removes all inputs of the transaction copy before 

2.  SIGHASH_NOINPUT can be combined with SIGHASH_SINGLE.  It is dangerous to 
combine it with SIGHASH_NONE (as this also deletes all outputs of the 
transaction copy, so the signature only commits to nLockTime) and possibly 
pointless to combine it with SIGHASH_ANYONECANPAY (which deletes other inputs, 
but since there are no inputs after SIGHASH_NOINPUT, there is nothing else to 
delete).  The BIP only mentions combining it with SIGHASH_SINGLE, in any case.

3.  We have these kinds transactions: (1) funding transaction paying out to an 
ordinary N-of-N multisig (confirmed onchain); (2) offchain trigger transaction 
spending a funding transaction and paying out to the "update transaction 
script"; (3) offchain update transaction spending a trigger or update 
transaction and paying out to the "update transaction script" (the same script 
template as in trigger transaction); (4) offchain settlement transaction 
spending a trigger or update transaction and paying out to the counterparties 
according to the final agreed distribution of funds.  Update and settlement 
transactions are signed with SIGHASH_NOINPUT flags.

4.  The update transaction script has two branches: a CSV-encumbered N-of-N 
"settlement" branch, and a CLTV-encumbered N-of-N "update" branch.  Crucially, 
we use past Unix timestamps for the CLTV encumberance on the update.  The 
CLTV-encumberance starts with a minimum time value on the trigger transaction, 
and increments by 1 for every update transaction.

5.  The CLTV-encumberance ensures that if a past update transaction is 
confirmed, we can spend it using any later update transaction, since CLTV uses 
`stackTop <= nLockTime`.  The actual `nLockTime` we use is a past Unix 
timestamp so they are not actually time-encumbered, but the `OP_CLTV` still 
ensures that any later update transaction can be used to spend from any earlier 
update transaction, but not vice versa.  This is actually quite clever.

6.  The pubkeys on the settlement branch of each update transaction are 
different, and are derived using any hierarchical derivation method (trivially 
we can simply use the CLTV-encumberance value as the derivation index).  This 
ensures that each settlement transaction can only spend a particular update 
transaction.  Or in other words: There is a one-to-one correspondence between 
update and settlement transaction, and a settlement transaction can only 
confirm if the corresponding update transaction can be confirmed deeply enough 
without having its output re-spent.

7.  The pubkeys on the update branch are all the same in all update 
transactions.  This lets any update transaction replace any other update 
transaction, as long as the CLTV-encumberance (which is used for ordering 
rather than actual absolute locktime) is respected; together they mean that any 
later update transaction can replace any earlier update transaction.

8.  If an old update transaction is confirmed, the settlement transaction 
corresponding to it is still encumbered by CSV and cannot be confirmed 
immediately.  During this time, a later update transaction can spend it and be 
confirmed.  If that update transaction is still not the latest available, it 
can be further replaced with any, later transaction (since the 
CLTV-encumberance and the `nLockTime` increase in lockstep with each other) 
until the latest update transaction is confirmed.

9.  When the latest update transaction gets confirmed, no other update 
transaction can successfully spend its "update" branch (as their `nLockTime` is 
less than the CLTV-encumberance on that branch).  This lets the CSV-encumbered 
settlement transaction be confirmable after some blocks.

10.  Update transactions pay no fees!  Instead, for update transactions (but 
not settlement transactions) we additionally give SIGHASH_SINGLE: thus, no 
matter what transaction they end up in, the signatures for the update 
transaction will always be verified against only the update transaction output 
that pays out to the update transaction script.  We join update transactions 
with a spend of some onchain UTXO we control, which pays for the fees of the 
joined the update transactions, and may have a second output that is the 
remainder of the fund after paying the fees.

11.  Settlement transactions can carry contracts (in much the same way that 
Poon-Dryja commitment transactions); however contracts that contain absolute 
timelock components will be affected by the CSV-encumberance of the settlement 


Some pros and cons relative to Poon-Dryja (LN-penalty) channels:

- Requires more transactions in the worst-case: trigger, update, settlement.  
Compare to Poon-Dryja: commitment, claim.  Decker-Russell-Osuntokun channels 
can be trigger-settlement but only in the degenerate case where the channel was 
never updated (indeed for implementation simplicity we might rather prefer to 
make an initial update transaction at the start, instead of starting with a 

- Dropping unilaterally onchain requires the party doing the drop to have some 
onchain funds it controls completely, since update transactions do not pay fees 
by themselves.  We cannot have an autopilot that puts all onchain funds on 
channels, we need to reserve some small amount for paying fees of unilateral 

+ The above is counterbalanced by the fact that we can easily adjust onchain 
fees for update transactions, unlike the case for Poon-Dryja commitment 
transactions which once signed cannot have fees updated.

= The onchain reserve (for paying fees for unilaterally dropped channels) is 
roughly equivalent to the channel reserve under Poon-Dryja; such a channel 
reserve no longer exists under Decker-Russell-Osuntukun channels, but is 
replaced by the onchain fee-paying reserve.  Possibly the fee-paying reserve 
here might be feasibly smaller than the channel reserve under Poon-Dryja.

- The CSV-encumberance on settlement transactions, which are the ones which 
carry the contracts in the channel, affects all absolute-timelocked contracts 
transported on the channel.  Compare to Poon-Dryja, where commitment 
transactions themselves are unencumbered by CSV, and we simply insert the 
revocation to spends of the contracts being transported (i.e. the reason why we 
have HTLC-success and HTLC-timeout transactions in BOLT spec).

+ Like invalidation trees, we can use N-party funds rather than just 2-party 
funds (channels).  We can even use M-of-N, so if there is at least some amount 
of trust you have with a group of entities (family, close friends, 
conglomeration partners, ZmnSCPxj, politicians...) it would be possible to have 
funds that require say only a majority of its owners to be updated.

Please inform me if there are important points I missed.


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