Hi. I'd like to propose a way for instant inbound liquidity to be automated
via invoices and would appreciate your feedback.  It's similar to Thor's
instant channel but this proposal would only be valuable if it becomes a
standard across all lightning implementations and wallets.  It won't work
if it's limited to just one Lightning wallet.

*Proposal:* Automated Inbound Liquidity With Invoices

*For Who:* Full Lightning Network nodes

*Problem:* Waiting for inbound liquidity as channel establishes when you
first come online and want to receive a LN payment.

*Solution: *Embedding the node uri of the invoice creator, along with
amount to be routed.

*Scenario: *

   1. Bob wants to send me 100,000 sats.
   2. My node just came online and has 0 inbound liquidity.
   3. I create an invoice for 100,000 sats.  My LN node recognizes I have 0
   inbound liquidity so my wallet also embeds my URI in the invoice.
   4. Bob’s wallet sees an invoice + uri.  Maybe even tries to route.  When
   it doesn’t see anything, it auto opens a channel + pushes 100,000 sat
   5. I now own and can spend 100,000 sats instantly.


   - This auto establishing of channels and pushing payments isn’t for all
   LN nodes.  Just routing nodes.
   - Bob doesn’t need to be the one to establish the channel.  He can push
   the information down the line until a node dedicated to routing is found.
   The routing node can then be the one to establish the channel with me.
   - Certain specifics need to be flushed out such as the size of Bob’s
   channel.  Right now I think Bob can manually set the size of the channels
   to be established on his end.  Should be smaller channels at first.  If the
   person gets paid again, just establish another channel towards the same
   node if there isn't enough capacity.
   - Routing nodes who provide this service can charge a premium.
   - Bob, as a liquidity provider, won't cheat against himself so I can
   make LN payments instantly.
   - The beauty behind this proposal is that I can receive a payment
   instantly, I can send payments instantly, and that it hides everything from
   me as an end user.
   - Can possibly be extended to neutrino LN wallets if they are public.
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