> On Feb 11, 2021, at 6:31 AM, ZmnSCPxj <zmnsc...@protonmail.com> wrote:
> Good morning Pedro,
>> Hi Nadav,
>> You are right that the intermediary (i.e., Ingrid) needs to hold a certain 
>> amount of coins to allow the virtual channel between Alice and Bob. Some 
>> comments here:
>>  - The protocol makes sure that Ingrid will get paid whatever fee she 
>> decides to charge for the service of creating a virtual channel. Note that 
>> Ingrid does not have the guarantee that enough payments would be routed 
>> through her node to gain the same fee in the same amount of time.
> Have not examined this deeply, but what happens if any of the *actual* 
> Alice-Ingrid or Ingrid-Bob channels are forced unilaterally onchain before 
> the purported lifetime of the virtual channel?

As a safe fallback, the protocol gives time to Ingrid (or Bob depending on the 
case) to put the other channel onchain before the punishment can be triggered. 

> Regards,
> ZmnSCPxj

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