Good morning Andres,

> Hey ZmnSCPxj,
> On Thu, 11 Feb 2021 at 15:33, ZmnSCPxj <> wrote:
> > Good morning Andres,
> >
> > > This looks cool but would hinder UX too much for certain scenarios: e.g. 
> > > if the escrow in place is part of a bitcoin exchange, then you require 
> > > the bitcoin buyer to have bitcoin already, which makes it harder to 
> > > on-ramp new users (which could maybe only have fiat). Am I right?
> >
> > Correct.
> > Though note that existing systems like Bisq, to my knowledge, have the same 
> > problem, a buyer of Bitcoin has to have a small amount of Bitcoin to offer 
> > as stake that can be revoked in case they attempt to defraud the 
> > counterparty.
> > Without it, the counterparty takes on increased risk (which translate to 
> > larger exchange spread).
> Yeah I understand Bisq's model.
> However not all P2P exchanges work like this; e.g. localcryptos, hodlhodl, 
> localbitcoins, localcryptos...

At least localbitcoins is custodial, and this scheme is non-custodial (though 
the escrow must still be trusted to actually judge correctly in case of 
dispute, so non-custodiality might be a very thin assurance).

> > In any case, once you have that initial stake, you can then keep increasing 
> > your ability to provide stake so as to relieve your counterparties of risk 
> > and have them offer better exchange rates, so it is "only" an issue for 
> > initial onboarding.
> > Presumably, in the later stable state, parents will provide children the 
> > initial stake needed for them to start transacting over such a system, just 
> > as they already provide their children with other "initial stakes" 
> > (education, food, shelter, etc.) anyway.
> >
> > >
> > > So are you saying that this is not doable without PTLCs (with simple 
> > > HTLCs) unless it's done like suggested?
> >
> > Yes, it is yet another reason we want PTLCs quickly.
> >
> > An alternative would be to have dual-hash HTLCs, which would be helpful in 
> > other escrow-related cases including escrow-facilitated cross-currency 
> > swaps.
> Is there any disadvantage about using dual-hash HTLCs?
> Is it supported by the current LN spec?

It is no supported by current LN spec, and PTLCs are overall superior (they are 
equivalent to having any number of hashes, not just 2 that dual-hash HTLCs can 
So if we need to change the LN spec anyway, PTLCs are still the better choice, 
since they enable a lot more, and we probably want to support that in the 
future anyway, so we might as well do HTLC->PTLC rather than HTLC->2HTLC->PTLC.

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