On 03/11/13 10:37, David Kastrup wrote:
We committed a few Clang-related fixes in the past, I think mostly due
to Graham's insistence/testing, but I think at some point of time the
"compile with Clang" ambition just faded.

I just tried a clang-based build on my Ubuntu 13.10 system, just to see what would happen:

    make clean
    CC=clang CXX=clang++ ./configure
    make -j2

It built fine, and also quite a bit faster than a GCC build.

Version info:
  Ubuntu clang version 3.3-5ubuntu4 (branches/release_33) (based on LLVM 3.3)
  Target: x86_64-pc-linux-gnu
  Thread model: posix

FWIW I've found it a good idea to test C/C++ codebases against clang if nothing else because clang is rather better at identifying ambiguities and potential errors and providing instructions for how to fix them.

Mike, can you try typing on a terminal prompt both:

   g++ --version
   clang++ --version

... and tell us what you see? AFAIK Xcode 5 should include clang 3.3, i.e. the same version as my GNU/Linux system.

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