Matthias Kilian writes:

> HEAD works fine for me. However, I just ran into the next problem (I
> hope that's a newbie error rather a bug):
> \version "2.1.15"
> \score {
>   \notes \relative c {
>     \time 1/4
>     \key d \minor
>     \clef bass
>     << <cis a' cis>4 \\ {g'8. bes16} >>
>   }
>   \paper {}
> }

Does B&H arrange the heads in the same way as LilyPond?  LilyPond only
tried to rearrange heads to avoid obscuring dots.  I've made fix in

> ps: may be that Busoni's transcription of Bach's d minor Chaconne is a
> good torture test for LilyPond.

Yes, hit me harder!

> I've two printouts of that tune (one from gdr, early 80's, one from
> brd, mid 90s), both of equally (bad) quality. If you're interested,
> I'll send an exemplar to you (or to Han-Wen). However, LilyPonding
> it seems to be non-trivial :-/

I'd rather look for a good engraving if we're going to use it to model
LilyPond.  What about the B+H edition?


Jan Nieuwenhuizen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> | GNU LilyPond - The music typesetter       |

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