Hi all,

Still on the subject of slurs, I found a potentially buggy behaviour of slurs 
when used in conjunction with dotted rhythms. Apparently, if the first or last 
notes of a slur are dotted, and on a staff line (whereby the dot is raised to 
the space immediately above), the slur is positioned too far above the note 

In the enclosed pdf, I marked the “bad” slurs red. In addition, there are a few 
slurs that are too curved, but I can’t tell if that is related or not to 
augmentation dots (I've noticed that slurs are sometimes too curvy, regardless 
of the actual rhythm).

My question: Is this a bug? Is there a way to control this behaviour?


Attachment: slur.ly
Description: Binary data

Attachment: slur.pdf
Description: Adobe PDF document

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