Hi Mark,

The issue of top posting surely in and of itself generates massive
flame wars. It is by no means agreed upon. Business (and so Outlook)
generally uses top posting. Internet groups often do not.

Werner's list is just a suggestion. There's no rule about top, bottom,
or interleaved posting on the list. As yet.

>From wikipedia:


"While each online community differs on which styles are appropriate
or acceptable, within some communities the use of the "wrong" method
risks being seen as a breach of netiquette, and can provoke vehement
response from community regulars."

We don't have a right or a wrong method.

For me, it's not significant. More important is providing enough
context for a reply to be made sense of.


On 29 April 2016 at 14:24, Mark Stephen Mrotek <carsonm...@ca.rr.com> wrote:
> Werner Lemberg,
> Reading your admonition to "don't use top-posting," I tried to locate the 
> command in Outlook 2013 that sets this option as default.
> I was unable to do so.
> Knowing this can you forgive my "top-posting?"
> Can you, or anyone else, direct me?

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