On Fri, 29 Apr 2016 06:05:49 +0200 (CEST)
Werner LEMBERG <w...@gnu.org> wrote:

> In general, the list netiquette is quite simple.  Here's a small,
> probably incomplete list.

Well done. Now if David would be so kind to add this as the new subcribers
welcome message. I have some remarks, but since he is the list owner he's
to decide.

>   . If you reply, properly cite to what you reply – and trim the
>     e-mail so that everything you are not replying to gets removed.

Actually, this rule is broken many times more than the HTML rule :)

>   . Use the `reply-to-all' button so that the discussion stays on the
>     list.  It is not helpful if answers are suddenly sent to
>     individuals only.  Additionally, it helps to properly build up
>     e-mail threads.

Remove all non-list addresses from the reply list.

>   . Provide a minimal working example (or a minimal not-working
>     example).  The stress lies on *minimal*.  This shows us that you
>     have at least tried to look into the manual before asking.
>       https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Minimal_Working_Example

Do not include the example in the text, but attach it to the message.

>     Additionally, especially with lilypond, a picture often says more
>     than thousand words, so it is incredibly helpful if you attach a
>     small PNG image also – don't use the BMP image format, by the way!

Too strong.. "small PNG or JPG image also."

>   . Use hard line breaks to have a line length of less than 80
>     characters.
>   . Avoid tab characters.

In LilyPond source, ...

Well done, Werner!

-- Johan

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