>>   . Stay polite and avoid ad-hominem attacks.
> Is that a real rule, or only what we wish were a rule?

Actively managing a mailing list is work.  AFAIK, no-one is taking
care of that, see my other mail.

So yes, currently it is a wish.

> I've seldom seen more ad hominem on any list than I routinely see on
> this one, and it has caused me to both block a couple of regular
> contributors in my local filtering rules, and seriously consider
> both exiting the list and ceasing to use LilyPond entirely.

Exiting the list I can understand, but ceasing to use?  Tsk, tsk,
tskĀ :-)

> As a matter of *practice*, one rule of this list seems to be "ad
> hominem is a perfectly legitimate way of making points, if you have
> a loud voice."

I don't get this impression.

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