On Fri 14 Oct 2016 at 16:41:31 (-0700), Flaming Hakama by Elaine wrote:
> > 4.) What's the proper way to write the following:
> >
> >     c4 <c d>4 <c d e>4
> >
> > when c's duration is actually "2." (a single button press) and d's
> > duration is "2" (again a single button press)? Should one draw c2. or
> > three c4, connected with a tie/slur?
> >
> I think there are different approaches to this.
> While the 2. makes it clearer that the c2. is one note, not three, it would
> make it ambiguous when the d comes in--unless you do it with parallel
> voices and add a r4 rest.  But then you have to deal with tweaking stem and
> rest directions and locations, and this approach doesn't generally work
> well with more than 2 voices.
> So, I'd just tie them together.
> Although, for this particular set of notes you'd need to do a lot of
> tweaking to get the layout clear.  The default output for this cluster is
> pretty lame, with the ties between the c's not being on the same line, and
> the tie between the d's looking like it is a slur from d to e.
> The default output looks better for a normal chord.
> \version "2.19.15"
> \score {
>     \header { piece = "Parallel voices" }
>     {
>         \time 3/4
>         << { c'2. } \\ { r4 d'2 } \\ { r2 e'4 } >>
>         << { c'2. } \\ { r4 d'2 } \\ { r2 g'4 } >>
>     }
> }
> \score {
>     \header { piece = "Ties" }
>     {
>         \time 3/4
>         c'4 ~ <c' d'>4 ~ <c' d' e'>4
>         c'4 ~ <c' e'>4 ~ <c' e' g'>4
>     }
> }

How about a compromise?

\score {
  \header { piece = "Parallel voices" }
    \time 3/4
    << { c'2. } \\ { r4 d'2 } \\ { r2 e'4 } >>
    << { c'2. } \\ { r4 e'2 } \\ { r2 g'4 } >>

\score {
  \header { piece = "Compromise" }
    \time 3/4
    << { c'2_~ <c' e'>4 } \\ { r4 d'2 } >>
    << { c'2_~ <c' g'>4 } \\ { r4 e'2 } >>

\score {
  \header { piece = "Ties" }
    \time 3/4
    c'4 ~ <c' d'>4 ~ <c' d' e'>4
    c'4 ~ <c' e'>4 ~ <c' e' g'>4

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