Le 24/11/2016 à 21:11, Thomas Morley a écrit :
2016-11-23 18:53 GMT+01:00 Jean-Charles Malahieude <lily...@orange.fr>:
Still not finalized, but here are Campra's Festes vénitiennes.
Urtext.ly does'nt generate the MIDIs, as opposed to Conducteur.ly

many thanks for your score.

I first compiled it with
2.19.51 (via installer) in ~ 8:30 minutes

On my quad-core with 8Go RAM, it take 1:32 minutes (2.19.51 from git build-dir)

I noticed lots of warnings and programming errors. Didn't try to fix
anything, but tried the experimental 2.19.52-guile2.
I firstly got a crash, a second run was successfull in ~30 minutes
A heavy slow down.

I attach the terminal-output for running 2.19.51 and the first run of
2.19.52 (the second run gave no further info, just succeeded, so it's

There's this additional warning in the log for the guile2-run, not
sure what it means.

WARNING: (#{ g31773}#): `smallCaps-markup' imported from both (lily)
and (#{ g26278}#)

Especially those (#{ g26278}#), etc I don't know.

smallCaps-markup is defined in Common/specials.ily as a workaround from Nicolas Sceaux for Guile not dealing well withe accented characters, but I know nothing about g26278…

I don't get the syntax error with the "old fashioned" top-system-spacing #'basic-distance (why doesn't your box spit the same with lines 18 ad 19 in Common/Pages-Urtext.ily?). I've corrected them on my side.

Warnings in A/2e-Villanelle/basseM.ily about note heads and rests together on a stem come from this construct:

  \tag #'Urtext {
    << \voiceOne { \once \stemUp d,4 d' d a a a d d d }
       \new Voice \voiceTwo {
         e,,\rest s s s e\rest e\rest e\rest } >>
  \oneVoice }
   \tag #'(Full Chor) { r4 d'' d a r r r d d }

I'm unfortunately unable to locate the source for warnings such as
"forced break was overridden by some other event" and programming errors like "could not find this grob's vertical axis group in the vertical alignment".


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