Sorry for the confusion. Seems like the first reply I got also only went to
me and not to the list. This was written by Holland Hopson:

"Hi Erik,
Your example doesn’t compile for me. Maybe you can make a minimal working

I’ve had good results using frameEngraver-bars-and-boxes.ily for box

So I made a minimal example and found the error in the process ("\set
Staff.timeSignatureFraction = 4/4" disables all time signatures after that
point, it had nothing to do with the markup). But what about if I only want
to print an "alternative" time signature (fraction) for one bar and then go
back to the normal ones?

Holland also attached the frameEngraver-bars-and-boxes.ily and I asked for
how to use it and he answered that so that's solved.

Here is the MWE I arraived at (I don't know how much of the structure code
is usually posted here so I'm posting the whole file with score definition
and all):

\version "2.18.2"

\header {
  title = "Rymdmusik"
  composer = "Erik Natanael Gustafsson"
  poet = "Jane Barlow"
  tagline = ##f

global = {
  \key c \major
  \time 4/4
  \tempo "Svävande" 4 = 70

altoVoice = \relative c' {
  % Music follows here.
  s1 |
  a'2 d8 c a g | \time 5/4 d4. g8 e g a,2 \bar "||"|
  \time 4/4 a'2 d8 c a g | \time 5/4 d4. g8 a g d'2 \bar "||" |
  \time 5/8 dis8 cis b cis a \bar"|"| \time 4/4 f g es des a'2 |

  % Mellanbit

  \time #'(3 2 2) 7/8  r4. r2 | \time 3/4 r2. \bar "||"|

  \time #'(2 2 4 1) 9/8  r2 r2 r8 | \time #'(3 4) 7/8 r4. r2 \bar "||"|
  \time 4/4 r1 | \time 3/4 r2. | cis2.~\< | cis4\> r2\! |

left = \relative c' {
  % Music follows here.
  a8 e' d
  a'8 g d' c g' \bar"" |
  %\override Staff.TimeSignature.stencil = ##f
  s1 | s1 s4 | s1 | s1 s4 | %\revert Staff.TimeSignature.stencil
  \clef "treble"
  %\set Staff.timeSignatureFraction = 4/4     % If I add this in no more
time signature will be shown
  \scaleDurations 5/8{
  g,8 cis b
  f' dis a' g cis |}

  s1 |

  \scaleDurations 7/6 {
    f,8 bes as  des  ces  e }

  %\set Staff.timeSignatureFraction = 4/4
  \scaleDurations 6/8 {
    gis8 fis e'4^"x3"
    ais,8 gis e'4^"x3"
  \change Staff = "left"
  s1 s8 | s2 s4. |
  r2. \tuplet 3/2 { fis,,8 gis a } |
  eis''2 \tuplet 3/2 { fis,,8 gis a } |
  eis''8 cis4. \ottava #1 \tuplet 3/2 {fis8 eis cis } |


altoVoicePart = \new Staff \with {
  instrumentName = "Alto"
  midiInstrument = "choir aahs"
} { \altoVoice }

pianoPart = \new PianoStaff \with {
  \override StaffGrouper.staffgroup-staff-spacing.padding = #20
  instrumentName = "Piano"

} <<
  \new Staff = "left" \with {
    midiInstrument = "acoustic grand"
  } { \clef bass \left }

\score {

  \layout {
    \context {
      \override StaffGrouper.staff-staff-spacing.padding = #1
    \context {
  \midi {
    \tempo 4=70

lör 5 aug. 2017 kl 19:53 skrev Thomas Morley <>:

> 2017-08-05 19:28 GMT+02:00 Erik Natanael Gustafsson
> <>:
> > Whoops, I accidentally sent my reply only to Holland. Here it is again:
> >
> > "
> > Good idea! I made a minimal example
> Where is it?
> > and in the process I realised that time
> > signatures stopped being printed after I used "\set
> > Staff.timeSignatureFraction = 4/4" (the box markup had nothing to do with
> > it). Is there any way of continuing to print the default time signature
> > after one bar of polymetric notation?
> "polymetric notation?"
> Minimal example please!
> >
> > Thanks for the code!
> Which code?
> I'm tired of looking into the archives whether there is some code
> somewhere.
> Finding:
> >Could you point me to a resource for how to use it? I
> > mean, where I put that file, how I invoke it in my score etc.
> No idea what you're talking about.
> -Har

Erik Natanael Gustafsson
► Composer, musician ◄
❂ Website:
❂ SoundCloud:
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