2017-08-05 21:09 GMT+02:00 Erik Natanael Gustafsson

> Here is the MWE I arraived at (I don't know how much of the structure code
> is usually posted here so I'm posting the whole file with score definition
> and all):
[skipping the "whole file"]

A minimal would be:

\version "2.18.2"

  \time 4/4 r1
  \set Staff.timeSignatureFraction = 4/4
  \time 2/4 r2
  \time 3/4 r2.

Two suggestions:

  \time 4/4 r1
  \once \set Staff.timeSignatureFraction = 4/4
  \time 2/4 r2
  \time 3/4 r2.

  \time 4/4 r1
  \set Staff.timeSignatureFraction = 4/4
  \time 2/4 r2
  \unset Staff.timeSignatureFraction
  \time 3/4 r2.


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